Monday 29 April 2013

week 11

This week, as I spoiled in the previous post, I finally had enough responses to my survey, and cound FINALLY get on with the rest of my project. The problem for me was that the survey input was kind of crucial to my research, and thus I wanted to get at least 50 responses, which was quite a hassle as you can read on my blog posts..

Anyway, after working through the results of the survey, which took quite a while since I had made 4 different versions in 4 different languages (Dutch, English, German and French) and quite some questions. After this tedious job was done, I could finally start on writing my conclusion.
Thursday I had a brainstorm session with my boss here, Jac van Orsouw. Only, it wasn't really a brainstorm session, as Jac aimed a little too much toward problem solving, instead of just generating the most random ideas. Later that day I had my weekly conversation with Tom, and it turned out that my conclusion wasn't really.. well, concluding :P and I'd have to change it. I got a few good tips from Tom on how to do this, and started on it that afternoon, and was done with it near the end of Friday.

All in all, quite a progressive week (which was really welcome, as I haven't had too many of those lately)

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