Thursday 4 April 2013

Little catching up

Yeah, I haven't been active enough on this blog really, but anyway, here's some news :)

Week 5
This week I've started setting up my surveys towards the truck drivers. I need information from them on their CB radio use, when they use internet on the road, information on their social media usage, and wishes for the social media system I'm developing. It's turning out to be quite a list of questions, and it's harder than I thought to create a proper list of questions.
Next to the survey set up, I'm also still researching some little stuff and I'm contacting international trucking companies. Got quite the list from my father (former truck driver) of companies around here that I could contact. At the end of the week little over half of them have notified me that they don't want to help as a company, or that the truckers don't want to help, which I can understand, as they usually arrive at the company on friday or saturday, and want to go home.

I also got to accompany a HAVO 4 class in informatics as they got a tour around DAF and the DAF museum as well as some presentations to show them how important IT can be, and that it's found in everything nowadays. Later this week I heard they really enjoyed the tour, and were quite surprised at how much IT they could find around them here.

I have to say, I rather enjoyed the tour of the DAF museum as well, had never been there before, and there were quite a few interesting things to see there.

This is the class (In front of the new XF truck):

Week 6
This week has mostly been researching some more, also for a bit more information on the surveys. Which got a bit delayed at this point because of some hiccups between me and my mentor (which have been resolved by now). I've also contacted a few of the remaining companies that I hadn't heard from, and in the end I'm left with just 2 companies that are willing to help out. Tinie Manders and De Rooy Logistics, worth mentioning them here I think :)

Week 7
This is also a short piece, as I've been home sick most of this week, it's been mostly doing a bit of research, and managing to get a CB radio to use, well, almost, since I still need an antenna. No one knows where to get this antenna within the company, and I've found a proper one online, but it's hard to get DAF to buy it, big company problems.. :P

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